Meeting Slide Decks

You can find slide content from previous Speaker and Beginners meetings on this page. If there are slides from other recent presentations you would like to see, please contact and we'll try and get them added.

Observing the Planets:

With so many planets visible in the skies at the end of 2024, hopefully many will find Steve's presentation slides from the December Beginners meeting really useful:

Observing the Planets Beginners 18th December 2024.pdf

Apps for Astronomy:

After some recent requests, here is a presentation given by Chris Lloyd at a beginner's meeting a few months ago that outlines a selection of Apps that members may find useful.


November 2024 Main Meeting :

As member's will have noticed, the slides from Marcus' excellent presentation weren't really the kind suitable for loading and viewing independently from his talk itself, but as promised in the meeting, please find the slides of member's images from the end of the meeting:

Marcus Chown end meeting slides.pptx

March 2024 Main Meeting :

Dr Tim Haymes in the meeting promised details of forthcoming occultations including one scheduled to pass over western Newbury. The details are on the document here:

Occultations 2024.pdf

March 2024 Main Meeting:

Here are the slides from Stephen Mullaly's second-half talk on Radio Astronomy:

Radar and the birth of Radio Astronomy.pdf

December 2023 Beginners Meeting:
